
Order DotNetCompression


micro ISVs &
small startups
1 year subscription 3 year subscription






Subscription period
Period for which you can download new versions and receive premium support
1 year1 year3 years
Same functionality
All subscriptions offer the same technical features and functionality
All platforms
Includes assemblies for all platforms supported by DotNetCompression
All releases
Access all versions released during your subscription
Distribute the redistributables to end-users without per-server or runtime fees
Perpetual license
You may use DotNetCompression even after your subscription expires
Team subscriptions
Team members can share between them the redistributables
Premium support
Priority responses, unlimited tickets, feature requests, on-demand samples
Nightly builds
Preview new features and get fixes before the next version is released
Blueprint Add-on
Review source code, rebuild redistributables, debug easier your code

from $99

from $599

from $839
micro ISVs &
small startups
1 year subscription 3 year subscription







Q & A

What's special about the Enterprise subscription?

The Enterprise subscription is a '3-for-2' subscription that gives you the same benefits as three years of Professional subscription but costs only as much as two years of Professional subscription. It also enables you to add Blueprint Add-ons to your subscription.

How can I order Blueprint Add-ons?

When placing an order for an Enterprise subscription you can also order a Blueprint Add-on for each developer who requires access to the full source code of the product for the duration of the Enterprise subscription.

Are there any limitations on the Indie subscription?

The Indie subscription is intended to be used primarily by individuals, micro ISVs and small startups developing their own software. You may use the Indie subscription if (a) you are not an organization that has more than ten employees or more than one million US dollars (or the equivalent in other currencies) in annual revenues, and (b) you are not developing your software as an employee, contractor or consultant of such an organization.

Who must be licensed?

A subscription must be purchased for each developer who writes, modifies, debugs or compiles your source code regardless of whether or how that developer installs or uses DotNetCompression. We understand that within your team of developers it is possible that only a few are directly using the API of DotNetCompression, so we have created Team subscriptions that offer a very cost-effective way to license multiple developers.

What are the benefits of Team subscriptions?

Team subscriptions offer a cost-effective way to license multiple developers. For example, purchasing one Team 10 subscription (which licenses up to ten developers) costs less than purchasing two Personal subscriptions (which licenses two developers).

Additionally, Team subscriptions permit your developers to share the redistributables between them without all of them having to install DotNetCompression. For example, one developer can install it, add its redisitrbutables to your SVN, and share them with all other developers who are licensed under the same Team subscription.

On how many computers may I install DotNetCompression?

You may install DotNetCompression on as many of your computers as you like, but it may only be used by persons for whom you have purchased a subscription.

Can I read the license before ordering?

Sure! Here are links to the licenses for DotNetCompression Enterprise, DotNetCompression Professional and DotNetCompression Indie.

What is the subscription renewal pricing?

As your Professional or Enterprise subscription nears its end, you can renew it by ordering an On-Time Renewal from Your Account. If your previous subscription expired more than 1 month ago, you must order a Late Renewal instead.

An On-Time Renewal costs 40% of a New subscription and will begin on the expiration date of your previous subscription. A Late Renewal costs 70% of a New subscription and will begin on the date it is registered regardless of when your previous subscription ended.

The duration of an On-Time or Late Renewal for an Enterprise subscription is 3 years while for a Professional subscription it is 1 year.

For an Indie subscription, its renewal cost is the same as a New subscription and its duration is 1 year.